Drive Safely Keychains

Logo of drive safe(ly) with 2 curved lines and 4 stars
Small business set up image

Are you a college student dreaming of turning your passion into profit? As a senior in college majoring in Advertising and Public Relations, I understand the desire to make some extra money and do what you love. If you have a hobby or a talent you’re passionate about, there’s no better time to turn it into a small business. I’m here to tell you that it’s not only possible but also incredibly rewarding.

As someone who loves to draw and create art, I found myself in a situation similar to yours. The idea of starting a small business had always intrigued me, and I knew it was time to act on it. This is my journey from a college student with a dream to a small business owner who loves watching hard work pay off.

Before I decided to start my own business, I was like any other college student, juggling classes, two part-time jobs, and extracurricular activities. I major in Advertising and PR, learning about the power of marketing and storytelling. However, I wanted to make some more money and showcase my art. I couldn’t help but spend my free time creating beautiful artworks, experimenting with different mediums, and discovering my unique style.

College life can be financially demanding. The cost of tuition, books, and day-to-day expenses was always something hanging over my head. I knew that I needed to find a way to supplement my income, but I didn’t want just any job. I wanted something that I was genuinely passionate about.

That’s when it hit me: I could turn my art into a business. It was an idea that seemed challenging and exciting, and I decided to take the leap. Starting a small business as a college student wasn’t without its hurdles. There were moments of self-doubt and uncertainty, but I was determined to see it through. Here’s how I got started:

Finding My Audience: I realized that the key to success was finding a niche. In the world of art, it’s essential to stand out. I explored different styles and techniques until I found what truly represented me and my audience.

Creating a Business Plan: Just like in my Advertising and PR classes, I applied what I learned about marketing and branding to my business. I crafted a business plan, designed a logo, and set up a professional website to showcase my art.

Marketing and Social Media: Leveraging my advertising skills, I utilized social media platforms to promote my keychains. Instagram, in particular, became a powerful tool for showcasing my work and connecting with potential customers.

Starting a small business in college was undoubtedly a rollercoaster, but it’s a journey I wouldn’t trade for anything. Seeing my keychain business grow, gaining recognition, and receiving positive feedback from customers has been incredibly rewarding. It’s a feeling like no other when you realize that your passion can also be your livelihood.

If you’re a college student with a dream and a passion, I encourage you to take the leap and start your own small business. It might seem intimidating, but the rewards are worth it. Your journey might be filled with ups and downs, but it’s those very experiences that will shape you into a more confident, capable, and independent individual. So, embrace the opportunity to turn your passion into profit, watch your hard work pay off, and remember that taking risks is the first step toward achieving your dreams.